An Integrated Approach with Exercise and Movement to Help Us Live Our Best Lives ... It's Possible No Matter Our Age!
Exercise needs to become a habit. There’s no way around the benefits of moving the body! Whether it’s exercise during pregnancy, exercise for flabby arms, exercise for more energy, exercise for sciatic nerve pain, exercise for spinal arthritis, exercise for the spinal cord, exercise for spinal cord injury, exercise for spinal pain, exercise lower back pain, exercise to strengthen knees… the list goes on and on and on!
Exercise and movement instruction has gotten a whole lot more accessible today more than ever. You can do exercises at home, at your desk; you can find exercises to train your brain… you name it, it is easily findable online. You can work out any time anywhere.But, here at Advanced Alignment, we believe that one of THE BEST exercises that anyone can do is strength training, with the formal name being RESISTANCE TRAINING.
Cardio, also called aerobic exercise, is any form of repetitive body movement over a period of time that promotes the circulation of oxygen through your blood. There’s been a lot of bad tips out there that people must do cardio to lose weight. This is untrue. The cardio-fat loss relationship is greatly misunderstood. Exercise, if you choose the right type, can really fire up your metabolism so that you burn fat readily.
Resistance training is REVOLUTIONARY for the human body!
Part of your experience with Dr. Christopher Boyhan will be looking at what an exercise program can look like FOR YOU and using this ethos that resistance training is a huge game-changer for your body, your health, and ease the pangs of the aging process.
It’s very important to know the BEST workout types for your unique body and the unique healing journey that you’re on.
Resistance training can strengthen bones/bone density, build a faster metabolism, decreases body fat, increase muscle fiber and strength, improve mobility and flexibility, strengthen tendons, ligaments, and joints, and so much more.
Much of this insight can be found in a book that Dr. Christopher Boyhan believes in called The Resistance Training Revolution.Sports injuries can be debilitating. Sports injuries in the shoulder, knee, etc. can lead to long-term pain and an endless cycle of the potential for re-injury if sports injuries rehabilitation is not done correctly. Finding a chiropractor for sports injuries can help with prevention, but can also help stop the pain in its tracks and put you onto a pathway for faster healing without unnecessary surgery and high hospital costs.
The need to run to the hospital for injuries to the shoulder, knees, etc. is not always 100% the right path (of course, this is not speaking to broken bones and severe trauma of this nature). Make a stop at Advanced Alignment FIRST to see Dr. Boyhan and he can help evaluate what is needed and the best path forward which could save you tens of thousands of dollars!Movement Analysis
Working out can take a toll on the body, and when there are structural misalignments in the spine (head, neck, spine, etc.) this can lead to unnecessary injuries down the road. Dr. Boyhan can provide you with a Movement Analysis which will help you determine the BEST workout programs to do, as well as an analysis on the way you move so that you can ensure you’re moving the right way when you workout and/or when doing rehab exercises in between your appointments.
Family Wellness
Hey, Student Athletes: Are you fit for duty?Dr. Boyhan spent many years as a competitive student-athlete in both football and wrestling through high school and went on to play football for the University of Massachusetts only to have inconsistent health derail his athletic career.
Had Boyhan been able to address the root issues earlier in his athletic career to understand if he was truly foundationally sound to do the sport that he was throwing himself into, his career as an athlete wouldn’t have been derailed all too soon.Parents, before you put your kids into athletics, make sure their foundation is structurally sound for them to thrive! Dr. Boyhan can evaluate to ensure any corrections are made before they step onto the field, court, etc.
- Exercise and Movement BLOGS
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I love sharing this story. It's a good one to hear for anyone that has had a traumatic injury...Here you'll find a short synopsis and instructional video to show how stretching for back pain...Someone asked me a personal question ... what does going to the gym mean to me? I thought it... Connect With Us
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1272 Tunnel Rd Asheville, NC 28805Mon - Friday 8:00am to 7:00pm, Sat - Sun 10:00am to 1:00pm(828) 828-2121

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