Pinched nerves... sciatica... back pain...
All of these cause our bodies such grief, it makes the days harder to get through, but there is a way out and you just found it...
It’s true that there can be no need for pain medications or surgery. Read on to explore the why and how!
Are you experiencing pinched nerve pain, and do you live in Asheville, NC? It’s best to get quick and effective pinched nerve pain relief by addressing the root of the problem with a pinched nerve chiropractic assessment plan with me at Advanced Alignment.
My motto: Eliminate the ROOT cause, and the symptoms disappear.
As a chiropractor and sports injury specialist, I thoroughly understand the nervous system and how it operates, so nerve flow is one of our specialties!
Pinched nerve pain is the WORST!
Nerve pain symptoms can be excruciating and debilitating. At Advanced Alignment, we have the technology, experience, and expertise to pinpoint and treat the source of your nerve pain immediately.
When you require pinched nerve pain relief, the path of pinched nerve chiropractic plan should be your first course of action. And there are some excellent reasons why, and understanding the “how” it happens is just as important.
Here are a few key points:
1. A chiropractic assessment plan is the least invasive, least toxic, most healthy, natural, and effective solution for a pinched nerve. It identifies and addresses the source of nerve pain IMMEDIATELY, putting you on the road to recovery quickly and effectively without the risks of surgery or pain medication.
Once we identify the location of the impacted nerve, spinal manipulation will release the pressure, providing immediate pain relief. The sooner you address the root cause of your pinched nerve pain, the greater chances of a quick recovery. It prevents the affected nerve from long-term or permanent damage. This is ideal because it is a slow and tedious process while damaged nerves can heal.
While some people with pinched nerve pain may opt for surgery or pain medications, these are not the most optimal assessment plans because of the other damage these can cause (much longer-term damage, especially since it’s not addressing the WHY… the root cause).
Pain medications can help manage the pain of a pinched nerve, yes. But they come with their own risks to health and wellbeing, the danger of developing addiction, AND the nerve continues to be compromised, which can eventually lead to permanent damage. Surgery is an invasive procedure that comes with risks, and it requires extensive recovery time, and often the same problem comes back time and time again.
When a skilled chiropractor does a pinched nerve chiropractic adjustment, the source of the pain (usually a misaligned vertebral bone) is addressed immediately, and the risk of permanent nerve damage and ongoing pain is eliminated.
2. Here Are Some Common Symptoms of a Pinched Nerve:
- Shooting pains in arms or legs
- Numbness or tingling in certain areas
- Muscle weakness on one side of the body
- Burning pain sensations
- The persistent feeling that a body part has “gone to sleep”
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you may be dealing with a pinched nerve. At Advanced Alignment, we can get you on the road to quick recovery and immediate relief.
3. What is a Pinched Nerve, Anyway?
A pinched nerve occurs when other tissues, like bones, muscles, ligaments, or tendons, pressure a nerve. This often occurs in the spinal column because it’s where the nerves in the central nervous system reside and where they travel out to the rest of the body from. It’s pretty common for a nerve to become caught between two vertebral bones, causing the symptoms listed above. At Advanced Alignment, we are skilled and experienced at pinpointing the location of a pinched nerve and quickly addressing the root of the issue.

4. What Causes Pinched Nerves? Pinched nerves can be caused by several different things, including:
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Injury
- Repetitive movements (such as in work, hobbies, sports, or other regular activities)
- Disk degeneration
- Herniated disk (from injuries, sports, or other trauma to the body, including a neck that is out of alignment and more)
- Sometimes, weight issues can be the reason why if there is extra pressure on the spine
If the cause of your pinched nerve is not addressed, the nerve can sustain long-term or permanent damage.
If you suspect you have a nerve that has been damaged, chiropractic care can also help with the rehabilitation process. I may recommend gentle exercises at home, massage, and advise you about other activities like movement patterns, diet, or lifestyle adjustments. These additional things can help keep the nerves and spine working optimally.
We are here to do whatever it takes to return your quality of life.
We believe in fixing the root of the problem in the safest, least invasive way so you can get back to enjoying a healthy and fulfilling life without nerve pain as quickly as possible.
Pinched nerve pain is not fun, and a chiropractic assessment plan is the optimal recovery course. A pinched nerve can be extremely uncomfortable. And if it is not treated in a reasonable amount of time from initial onset, the affected nerve is at risk of sustaining long-term or even permanent damage.
If a nerve has been damaged, it may still be able to heal, but the process takes time. Getting your pinched nerve pain addressed as quickly as possible is so important.
At Advanced Alignment, we have the technology, skill, and expertise to pinpoint and remove the source of your nerve pain (immediately in most cases). We can help you adjust your lifestyle and diet where necessary to keep the nerve from being compromised again. We can also assess and help with the rehabilitation process if the nerve has sustained any damage.
So if you think you are suffering from a pinched nerve, don’t hesitate to come in for a consultation and let us get you back to optimal health and wellness starting immediately!
CALL (828) 848-3068